Rockingham Sign Company Experts at hand painted signs

Having sustainable signage enhances brand reputation.

We are a Rockingham Sign Company with over 30 years experience delivering traditional Signwriting.  

Both Hotel Clipper Rockingham and Kip McGrath Rockingham understood this when they chose a hand painted sign for their roof. Not only did the production of this require lower energy consumption in its production is it extremely cost effective and durable. This means fewer resources are needed for replacements, reducing waste and environmental impact. 

Hand- Painted signs by Signing Australia are created using enviromentally frienly materials and techniques, contributing to sustainability efforts within the community. Businesses that prioritise sustainability in their signage demonstrate a commitment toenviromental responsibility, which can positively influence their brand image.

The authenticity and Orgininality of traditional signs resonates with customers and helps build trust and loyalty to the brand.

Our experience with hand painted signs go back to the 1970’s. We are a second generation traditional sign writing business with passion and skills handed from Father to Son who then went on to gain qualifications in this field. From buggies to large scale refinery tanks and commercial buildings. We have painted it all. by keeping these skills alive we are preserving the heritage of sign-making in the community. maintiaing a connection to the past.


Kip Mcgrath Rockingham has an amazing impact on the education of our children and are passionate about the impact they have on the families in our community. The encouragment of life long learning equips students with the tools to be positive, confident and valued members of our community. They truly embrace the benefits of traditoinal signwriting and we have now painted 2 of their locations.

Hotel Clipper Rockingham supports a variety of business and community organisations who meet in their function rooms, where many of the Rockingham Key Leaders in Business Breakfast Events are held and facilitated by the Rockingham Chamber of Commerce. We love working with fellow chamber members.

We would love to see more hand painted, eco-friendly signage in Perth, Western Australia.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you embrace more eco-friendly signage solutions in your business.